Bold Jumping Spider (Phidippus audax) 1/4", $20 each Beautiful little Salticidae, P. audax is a larger jumping spider in the sub family that includes P. regius. Found throughout the U.S., P. audax can range in coloration,but mostly jet black with white banding, and have a metallic green colored chelicerae. Efficient little killers, these spiders are very intellegent, and stalk their prey like a ninja. Very cool little spiders!! Easy to keep!! |
Giant Cameroon Crab Spider (Barylestis occidentalis) 3"+, $49 each B. occidentalis is a beautiful huntsman spider in the genus Barylestis. These have a grab like look, but aren't actually a crab spider. They are large and fast, and have spots that look almost "cheetah" like! Reaching 4"+ in legspan, don't pass up on these awesome spiders! |
Cameroon Red Fang Wandering Spider (Piloctenus haematostoma) 2"+, $59 each Beautiful wandering spider from Cameroon, Africa, also known as the Red-Faceced Wandering Spider. Bright red chelicerae and front of carapace around the eyes! These Ctenidae (wandering spiders), are quick moving, and have been known to have strong venom, so caution is advised for larger specimens. Reaching 4"+ as adults, These are awesome!! |
Southern Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans) 1/4", CB Babies, $10 each This beautiful spider is shiney jet black with a red hour-glass marking on the underneath of it's abdomen, and one red dot on the lower dorsal side. Well known for it's extreamely potent venom, and in some cases, bites can prove to be fatal. Extreame caution is strongly advised!! |
Putnam's Jumping Spider (Phidippus putnami) 1/8", CB Babies!, $20 each Phidippus putnami, also known as Putnam's Jumping Spider, is a small to medium-sized spider with a grayish-brown body and distinctive markings. Found in the southeastern United States, it inhabits plants and vegetation above ground, such as shrubs, trees, or other foliage. It is a jumping spider, able to leap short distances to catch prey or escape predators. Efficient little killers, these spiders are very intelligent, and stalk their prey like a ninja. Very cool little spiders!! Easy to keep!! |
Twinflagged Jumping Spider (Anasaitis canosa) 1/4", $10 each Anasaitis canosa, previously of the genus Corythalia, is a small jumping spider that can typically be found atop leaf-litter or man-made structures such as fences and exterior walls. This species is more commonly known as the twin-flagged jumping spider due to the two pennant shaped markings on the dorsal side of the cephalothorax. A. canosa ranges from Mexico to South Carolina along the Gulf of Mexico. Reaching slightly under 1/2" as adults very cool little Jumper!! Limited Supply! |
Tan Jumping Spider (Platycryptus undatus) 1/2", $15 each Beautiful little Salticidae, reaching only 1/2" to 3/4" these are masters of camouflage, and can be several earth tone colors like grey, black, and white. They have a pair of pedipalps that carry long white setae that puffs up like a moustache, they've got that Mark Twain look. Efficient little killers, these spiders are very intelligent and stalk their prey like a ninja. Very cool little spiders!! Easy to keep!! |
Magnolia Green Jumping Spider (Lyssomanes viridis) 1/4", $8 each A beautiful little jumping spider from the southeastern U.S. and Central America, commonly found on Magnolia trees that helps with their camouflage. Bright green overall, with some red and white surrounding their eye cluster. Mature males have elongated chelicerae. Small, but very cool reaching only slightly under 1/2" as adults. Feeding on flightless fruit flies. Fast moving, get them while I've got em! |
Field Wolf Spider (Hogna lenta) 1.5"- 2", $15 each Hogna lenta is a large species of Wolf Spider endemic to the Southeastern United States. This family (Lycosidae), includes the largest native spiders found in North America. The spider is overall tan with a single light tan stripe running down the middle of its carapace. Small and faint pale marks may be visible on the large abdomen. Legs are mottled with speckles near the joints. Ferocious feeders, Field Wolf Spiders love to feed! 2"+ in leg span as adults, easy to keep! Don't let this awesome arachnid slip away! |
Tiger Wolf Spider (Tigrosa georgicola) 1/4", $10 each Tigrosa georgicola is a large species of Wolf Spider endemic to the Southeastern United States. This family (Lycosidae), includes the largest native spiders found in North America. The spider is dark brown with a single light tan stripe running down the middle of its carapace. Small and faint pale marks may be visible on the large abdomen. Legs are mottled with bands near the joints. Ferocious feeders, Tiger Wolf Spiders love to feed! 3"+ in leg span as adults, easy to keep! Don't let this awesome arachnid slip away! |
Namibian Recluse (Loxosceles simillima) 1/4", CB Babies, $29 each Beautiful and interesting recluse spider from South Africa! Brown with golden checkered type pattern on abdomen. These are communal, and fairly rare! Captive hatched at Swift's! Don't pass them up! |
Southern House Spider (Kukulcania hibernalis) 1/2" - 1" , $15 each Awesome spider, also known as the Black Hole Spider, K. hibernalis is a large true spider commonly found in human dwellings. Adult females are black to gray in overall coloration with a silver-colored coxa on each leg. Males are light golden in coloration, and spindly. These gentile crevice dwelling spiders reach 3"+ as adults, and occur in the Southern states of the US as well as in Central and South America. long lived, If you don't have one of these beauties, you need one!! |
Whitebanded Fishing Spider (Dolomedes albineus) 1/2" - 1" , $20 each Beautiful aquatic spider that inhabits the southeastern United States. Silver grey, with white makes this spider a master of camouflage! Feeding on insects, fish, and tadpoles! Fairly large for a true spider with some females exceeding 3" in leg span. If you're a "Wolf Spider" enthusiast, you'll like these!! |
Green Lynx Spider (Peucetia viridans) 1/4", C.B. Babies, $8 each This strange and beautiful species lives among the tops of low bushes and vegetation in await of prey. It's green camouflage helps in it's efforts of ambush. These are easy to raise, and reach 2"+ in leg span! Weird and cool! |
Six-Spotted Fishing Spider (Dolomedes triton) 1/2" - 1" , $10 each Beautiful aquatic spider that inhabits the southeastern United States. Dark green-olive in color, with bright white lines running down the sides of the carapace and continuing down the abdomen, along with two rows of white dots covering the abdomen. Feeding on insects, fish, and tadpoles! Fairly large for a true spider with some females exceeding 3" in leg span. If you're a "Wolf Spider" enthusiast, you'll like these!! |
Spitting Spider (Scytodes longipes) 3/4" - 1.5"+, Adults!, $10 each These awesome spiders may look dainty but are stealthy predators! Belonging to the family Scytodidae, commonly known as "spitting spiders" They catch their prey by spitting a fluid that congeals on contact into a venomous and sticky mass. Compared to their size, they can take down prey as large as themselves. Hardy in captivity, very cool arachnid! |
Lava Isopod (Porcellio scaber "Lava") 1 Doz. Mixed, $39 each Isopods are beautiful creatures that live in both land and sea. Land isopods are crustaceans, and also known as woodlouse, sow bugs, or roly poly. This particular species, Lava Isopods (Porcellio scaber "Lava") is fairly good-sized isopod, and can reach 3/4". Lava Isopods (Porcellio scaber "Lava") are very pretty, marbled brick red and charcoal random markings resembling lava! Very Hardy! Set up with moist substrate with mixed woods, lichen, dry leaves, with some flat stones. With a little research, you'll love raising these!! |
Japanese Magic Potion Roly-Poly Isopod (Armadillidium vulgare "Magic Potion") 1 Doz. Mixed, $39 each Isopods are beautiful creatures that live in both land and sea. Land isopods are crustaceans, and also known as woodlouse, sow bugs, or roly poly. This particular species, Japanese Magic Potion Roly-Poly Isopod (Armadillidium vulgare "Magic Potion") is fairly good-sized isopod and can reach 1/2". Armadillidium vulgare "Magic Potion" are very pretty, marbled pearl white with yellow lightning bolt type makings with black flecks! Very Hardy! Set up with moist substrate with mixed woods, lichen, dry leaves, with some flat stones. With a little research, you'll love raising these!! |
Blonde Ducky Isopod (Cubaris sp. "Blonde Ducky") 1/4", $20 each Isopods are beautiful creatures that live in both land and sea. Land isopods are crustaceans, and also known as woodlouse, sow bugs, or roly poly. This particular species, Blonde Ducky Isopod (Cubaris sp. "Blonde Ducky") is fairly good-sized isopod and can reach 1/2". Cubaris sp. "Rubber Ducky", are fairly rare and a new species to the hobby, being discovered in 2017, in limestone caves in Thailand! These particular isopods have a bright yellow cephalothorax, charcoal colored pereon, with yellow surrounding the exopod regions! Very Hardy! Set up with moist subtrate with mixed woods, lichen, dry leaves, with some limestones. These like other isopods benefit with calcium, such as cuttlebone available. With a little research, you'll love raising these!! |
Rubber Ducky Isopod (Cubaris sp. "Rubber Ducky") 1/4", $15 each Isopods are beautiful creatures that live in both land and sea. Land isopods are crustaceans, and also known as woodlouse, sow bugs, or roly poly. This particular species, Rubber Ducky Isopod (Cubaris sp. "Rubber Ducky") is fairly good-sized isopod and can reach 1/2". Cubaris sp. "Rubber Ducky", are fairly rare and a new species to the hobby, being discovered in 2017, in limestone caves in Thailand! These particular isopods have a bright yellow cephalothorax, charcoal colored pereon, with yellow surrounding the exopod regions! Very Hardy! Set up with moist substrate with mixed woods, lichen, dry leaves, with some limestones. These like other isopods benefit with calcium, such as cuttlebone available. With a little research, you'll love raising these!! |
Rubber Ducky Isopod (Cubaris sp. "Rubber Ducky") 7 Count, Mixed, $89 each Isopods are beautiful creatures that live in both land and sea. Land isopods are crustaceans, and also known as woodlouse, sow bugs, or roly poly. This particular species, Rubber Ducky Isopod (Cubaris sp. "Rubber Ducky") is fairly good-sized isopod and can reach 1/2". Cubaris sp. "Rubber Ducky", are fairly rare and a new species to the hobby, being discovered in 2017, in limestone caves in Thailand! These particular isopods have a bright yellow cephalothorax, charcoal colored pereon, with yellow surrounding the exopod regions! Very Hardy! Set up with moist substrate with mixed woods, lichen, dry leaves, with some limestones. These like other isopods benefit with calcium, such as cuttlebone available. With a little research, you'll love raising these!! |
Zebra Roly-Poly Isopod (Armadillidium maculatum) 1 Doz. Mixed, $29 each Isopods are beautiful creatures that live in both land and sea. Land isopods are crustaceans, and also known as woodlouse, sow bugs, or roly poly. This perticular species, Zebra Roly-Poly Isopod (Armadillidium maculatum) is fairly good-sized isopod, and can reach 1/2". Armadillidium maculatum are very pretty, black with white stripes, some morphs can have a chocolate coloration! Very Hardy! Set up with moist substrate with mixed woods, lichen, dry leaves, with some flat stones. With a little research, you'll love raising these!! |
Powder Orange Isopod (Porcellionoides pruinosus) 1 Doz., Mixed, $20 each Isopods are beautiful creatures that live in both land and sea. Land isopods are crustaceans, and also known as woodlouse, sow bugs, or roly poly. This particular species, Powder Orange Isopod (Porcellionoides pruinosus) are a small to medium sized species, overall orange coloration with this morph of P. pruinosus. These guys will reproduce! Very Hardy! Set up with moist substrate with mixed woods, lichen, dry leaves, with some flat stones. With a little research, you'll love raising these!! |
Dwarf White Isopod (Trichorhina tomentosa) 100 count, Mixed, $29 each Isopods are beautiful creatures that live in both land and sea. Land isopods are crustaceans, and also known as woodlouse, sow bugs, or roly poly. This particular species, Dwarf White Isopod (Trichorhina tomentosa) are a small species used by many hobbyists as cleanup crews to moisture dependent habitats and are also used as feeders. Moisture dependent, but very Hardy! Set up with moist substrate with mixed woods, lichen, dry leaves, with some flat stones. With a little research, you'll love raising these!! |
Roly-Poly Isopod (Armadillidium vulgare) 50 Count, Mixed, $29 each Isopods are beautiful creatures that live in both land and sea. Land isopods are crustaceans, and also known as woodlouse, sow bugs, or roly poly. This particular species, Roly-Poly (Armadillidium vulgare) are a medium sized species, overall greyish coloration with this morph with variations. These guys will reproduce! Very Hardy! Set up with moist substrate with mixed woods, lichen, dry leaves, with some flat stones. With a little research, you'll love raising these!! |
Swift Woodlouse Isopod (Porcellio laevis "Dairy Cow") 1 Doz., Mixed, $29 each Isopods are beautiful creatures that live in both land and sea. Land isopods are crustaceans, and also known as woodlouse, sow bugs, or roly poly. This particular species, Swift Woodlouse Isopod (Porcellio laevis "Dairy Cow") are a medium sized species, overall black and white speckled coloration with this morph with variations. These guys will reproduce! Very Hardy! Set up with moist substrate with mixed woods, lichen, dry leaves, with some flat stones. With a little research, you'll love raising these!! |
Swift Woodlouse Isopod (Porcellio laevis "Caramel") 1 Doz., Mixed, $29 each Isopods are beautiful creatures that live in both land and sea. Land isopods are crustaceans, and also known as woodlouse, sow bugs, or roly poly. This particular species, Swift Woodlouse Isopod (Porcellio laevis "Caramel") are a medium sized species, overall caramel coloration with this morph with variations. These guys will reproduce! Very Hardy! Set up with moist substrate with mixed woods, lichen, dry leaves, with some flat stones. With a little research, you'll love raising these!! |
Giant Canyon Isopod (Porcellio dilitatus) 1 Doz., Mixed, $29 each Isopods are beautiful creatures that live in both land and sea. Land isopods are crustaceans, and also known as woodlouse, sow bugs, or roly poly. This particular species, Giant Canyon Isopod (Porcellio dilitatus) are a medium sized species, overall metal to brown coloration with this morph with variations. These guys will reproduce! Very Hardy! Set up with moist substrate with mixed woods, lichen, dry leaves, with some flat stones. With a little research, you'll love raising these!! |
Pseudoscorpion (Chelonethida sp.) 1/6", $8 each Pseudoscorpions, also known as false scorpions or book scorpions, are small, scorpion-like arachnids belonging to the order Pseudoscorpiones, also known as Pseudoscorpionida or Chelonethida. They are tiny, and are rarely noticed due to their small size, despite being common in many environments. They are small arachnids with a flat, pear-shaped body, and pincer-like pedipalps that resemble those of scorpions. Communal, but they are tiny, so springtails are needed for feeders. Awesome little arachnid! |
Ornate Harvestmen (Vonones ornata) 1", $8 each Strange and gentle, these arachnids are in the order of Opiliones. These arthropods may resemble spiders, but their closest relatives may be the mites (Acari) or the Novogenuata (the Scorpiones, Pseudoscorpiones, and Solifugae). Harvestmen are harmless, and lack venom. They feed upon small insects and plant material and fungi. Goldfish food flakes are accepted along with cricket parts. One thing that is neat about V. ornata is that they will glow under a blacklight! Very cool, Get em while I got em! |
Warrior Beetle (Pasimachus californicus) 1.5", $20 each The Warrior Beetle (Pasimachus californicus) is a large, ground-dwelling beetle native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. It has a shiny black body with a distinctive elongated shape and sharp mandibles. Found in dry, sandy areas and deserts, it inhabits burrows and feeds on insect larvae, worms, and other small invertebrates. The Warrior Beetle is a fierce and formidable insect, well adapted to its arid environment. It is known for its ability to defend itself by releasing a foul-smelling fluid from its abdomen. These are so cool! |
Blue Death Feigning Beetle (Asbolus verrucosus) 1", $20 each These beautiful beetles from the southwestern U.S., are a demin blue in coloration! They secrete a wax-like substance that protects them from the sun, and gives them their blue color. When they feel threatened, they stop moving, and feign death. Being omnivorous, they feed on various vegetation such as apples, carrots, sweet potatoes,etc. but also grains and carrion. Keep on the drier side. Easy to keep and have been known to live up to 10 years! These are so cool! |
Black Death Feigning Beetle (Cryptoglossa variolosa) 1", $15 each These beautiful beetles from the southwestern U.S., are a charcoal black in coloration! When they feel threatened, they stop moving, and feign death. Being omnivorous, they feed on various vegetation such as apples, carrots, sweet potatoes, but also grains and carrion. Keep on the drier side. Easy to keep and have been known to live up to 10 years! These are so cool! |
Patent-Leather Beetle (Odontotaenius disjunctus) 1.5", $6 each Patent-Leather Beetle, also known as the Bess Beetle are an awesome beetle from the family Passalidae. Shiny Black overall, with grooves down each wing case. They have a small horn between their eyes, and clubbed antennae. O. disjunctus beetles are usually found under, or inside, old logs or stumps and are rarely observed outside of their wooden habitats. Hardwood is the preferred wood of choice, oak, hickory, etc. Communal and very hardy, don't let these beautiful beetles slip away!! |